Friday, November 23, 2007

Welcome to Hell

So, not all that long ago (a few weeks at the most), I decided to pick up the game Hellgate: London. Before anyone asks, this game is awesome. I don't care what some idiot reviewers think, in my opinion, this game deserves a 9.5/10. The reason I didn't outright give it a ten is for reasons that are pretty blatantly obvious to anyone that's played the game.

Before I explain precisely why that is, I'd best explain one thing, for those that haven't played the game. There are three factions in this game: the Templar, the Cabalists, and the Demon Hunters. Each of these factions have two classes: the Templar have Guardians and Blademasters; the Cabalists have Evokers and Summoners; the Demon Hunters have Engineers and Marksmen. Each of the game's classes are unique in all but one way: The type of items they can equip. Each faction can equip one type of item, but can't equip the other types of items; simple, yes? This is where the problem arises.

No matter what mode you're playing, 80% of the items you find can't be equipped because it's for a different faction. This is a problem for people who decide to play singleplayer because, obviously, they can't trade with anyone. This is a problem for people who decide to play multiplayer because, obviously, other people are assholes. Despite the fact that most people will play multiplayer, most people probably don't actually want to get near other people; I know I certainly don't.

Of course, there are also items that people of your chosen faction can equip, but have no reason to equip. For instance, my only character at the moment is a level 15 Blademaster. As you can probably guess, the Blademaster skillset is almost entirely composed of skills that require swords. Let me remind the newbies to the game that the Blademaster is in the Templar faction alongside Guardians.

The Blademaster may not have need or want to equip guns, but the Guardian is another story altogether. I can easily see how a Guardian could have a desire to equip guns; their skills generally rely on having a shield, which can be equipped alongside any type of one-handed weapon (at this point, I'm not entirely sure if two-handed weapons exist; I've never found any that my Blademaster can equip). Because the Guardian may desire to equip a gun, the Templar faction can equip them. I'm sure the problem is becoming clearer now.

The problem comes in two forms. The obvious form in that you're going to be dismantling a good 80% of the equipment you find. The second form is a little less clear: You will be finding items, quite possibly good items, that you want to equip, may even be able to technically equip, but cannot realistically equip.

I have found one of these such items. It was beautiful, really. As it lay on the ground, I could immediately see that I would love this item. It had yellow text, and lacked the red, slashed circle that marked that I wouldn't be able to equip it. Naturally, seeing that, I immediately picked it up, knowing that I would be able to equip a brand new blade alongside Shenk's Shank.

There were some monsters in the way, though. You see, this is not a game that will pause while you explore the various menus. If you're careless, a monster could both attack and kill you while you sit around messing around in your inventory. So, I slashed some weak little monsters to bits, healed up as necessary, and, noticing my surroundings had a distinct lack of life, I opened my inventory, ready to identify and equip this fantastic new unique.


Wait a second...


That is not a sword. It had a distinct look to it, a familiar look. It had that yellow border marking itself as unique, but...that was clearly not a sword. That fucking game gave me a unique gun. I play a Blademaster; I can't use guns.

Regardless, I would identify the item and store it for potential trading. The first thing I did was look at its stats. The second thing I did was close the game, leave the room, and sulk.

You see, not only is this an item that I can't realistically equip, it is a fantastic item. It had nice mana regen (something that even Blademasters need), decent damage and, most importantly, All Attributes +13.

Let that sink in for a second. 13 to all attributes; that is a hell of a lot of points, and I would get a noticeable gain in damage, life, and mana. All very necessary aspects, especially considering that I'm still a relatively low level at this point.

The most beautiful item I have ever seen, and I can't fucking equip it. Why, game? Why? Couldn't you have given me a beautiful sword, instead?

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